
Saturday, 14 September 2019

#30daychallenge researching a charity a day today @theraptorfoundation. "At the Raptor Foundations, our aims have always been, firstly to rescue, rehabilitate and return injured birds of prey back to the wild and secondly to protect and preserve them through education and conservation. By visiting us, you are supporting the very important work that we do and helping birds of prey across the world. The Raptor Foundation has always been committed to contributing to the conservation of birds of prey and biodiversity both at home and abroad. Around the world falconry has sometimes been at odds with conservation goals. Historically, many raptors have been taken from the wild. However, falconry is now strictly regulated and falconers have become pioneers in developing conservation strategies and fighting for legislation to preserve wild birds of prey. Falconry centers play an important role in conserving wild populations. Captive individuals provide an insurance policy against wild species extinctions and they can contribute towards maintaining viable wild populations by captive breeding programs. We are proud to play a part of the continuing conservation of raptors that has allowed several of our native British species to recover from near extinction. Primarily the centre functions to educate the public about birds of prey and raise awareness of these beautiful animals, their fascinating lifestyles and the problems they are facing in their natural habitats. In doing this, the plight of birds of prey becomes more important to the general public and therefore the government and more resources can become available for conservation management and preventing persecution of wild birds. Our veterinary facilities and expertise allow us to take in injured birds with the aim of returning them to the wild."

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