
Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Usually in March I like to paint some March Hares are always a little mad looking... but then so is the world just now... i wasnt sure we needed any more madness but then I changed my mind, so this is Thomas.

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I told you he was cheeky a bit naughty and has a fantastic sense of humour... he just grabbed my hat in his teeth and pulled it right down over my eyes then walked off...๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I just couldn't believe it! And I couldn't make it up to be honest!

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Day 1 done. Check out @artdesigncornwall if you want to see what some of my students have been working on at home! ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ˜

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Here is my lovely Desmond definitely not understanding social distancing...he does like to be close but he is also very cheeky and a little bit naughty with an amazing sense of humour...more later!!! Watch this space...

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Saturday, 21 March 2020

Where ever or what ever your home is it's time to #stayhome #staystrong #stayhealthy

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In case you are worried about her here she is a bit later eating her nuts... with a nice purple rinse ๐Ÿ˜Š she was still bossing everyone else around!

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Here is Olga a little while ago with both beautiful horns in tact ❤๐Ÿ❤

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In other news we decided to sort one of our sheds out to make a home gym. I lifted some old insulation up and a couple of Rats leaped out ahhh...they always make me squeal ๐Ÿคช I think we can guess where the went though... i dont really like rats, I know they are wildlife like everything else but they are not really welcome! Anyway Saus stayed on guard here wall watching for the rest of the time we were in there ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ˜ฌ important to say I dont poison or trap them though... just try to give them no reason to be near me!

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An update on our lovely Olga it took a while to get her in today because she doesn't like to be confined at all ever! But after she was left out on her own she decided to come her own time of course... we inspected the wound and gave it a spray...I got most of it on me as usual..half way through the whole procedure she threw her head back and caught my chin it's only grazed but it looked worse than it was because I was covered in her blood...๐Ÿ˜ฌ the main thing is she is on the mend... we will inspect again later. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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From the horses mouth! This is a painting I made over 10 years ago, looking at idioms etc. There is so many false truths going around at the moment...I feel it needs to be said...get your news from the horses mouth...the NHS, government websites and the full news conference not the chopped up version the various news channels offer... it's bad enough without it being made worse by these assumptions and falsehoods

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Friday, 20 March 2020

It's a difficult time for everyone, but as teachers we are committed to helping our students realise their goals... this will pass, we will work it out and you will achieve your goals. Thank you for this @sketchymuma • • • • • • #repost One for the incredible teachers out there trying to navigate the unknown. Thank you for what you do ♥️

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More sheep saga today, this is Olga... she is my least friendly sheep and if she know I want her in she's off like a shot...she is a Manx Loaghtan, rare breed... they are very alert always on guard she has been here for 10 years but has always maintained her distance... I have found them to be mostly trouble free, she has one lamb our lovely Luna, also very flighty despite being well handled as a lamb, I have only had the vet to her once for a persistent abscess which turned out to be a thorn...anyway today she was covered in blood all down one side of her face... for what ever reason she seems to have been fighting and has ripped one horn off(she has always been very bossy and someone has had enough I suspect). Despite all the blood she seems fine, bleeding has stopped and its clean but she will need to come in for further TLC tomorrow...she had beautifully balanced horns too ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

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Also today its #nationalsparrowday ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Happy equinox...more light than dark now... let's hope in more ways than one... . . #equinox #turningpoint

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Thursday, 19 March 2020

It's difficult to know what to offer this world just now...but if you would like to read about Crows my march newsletter and new bird of the month is now out...(although i am afraid the newsletter is all out of date as everything is cancelled...) I thought we needed the wisdom of Crows this time. If you would like to read it, it comes as a link to a free download when you subscribe to studio insights via the link in my profile or using Just a monthly newsletter and (this month a 20 page) ebooklet pdf download no catches.

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This just feels appropriate at the moment... Balancing Ravens

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A bit more bird watching...not from today as I have been very busy putting in place systems to help our @cornwallcollege students work from home... one of my greatest pleasures when I am at home are the birds who visit... they have brought me though some quiet dark times in the past...I can highly recommend them... . . . Thank you to the @gardencrowd who supplied this particular seed mix suzysharpe_gc10 if you would like to try some at a discount ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Monday, 16 March 2020

My beautiful old girl... Spoonie enjoying the sun today... taking every moment as it comes... she has struggled over the years with the worst feet, abscesses, arthritis and many other ailments but she takes it all gracefully in her stride, seeming gratefully of our help and care, she enjoys her food and loves a good scratch...bless her ❤๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜❤

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Well this has to be a good omen..2 Robin's. @gardencrowd sent me some new bird food to try little garden friends seem to love it. All their packaging is plastic free too...if I have to isolate I will spend a lot more time watching my garden birds... you can get a 10% discount using suzysharpe_gc10 ๐Ÿ˜Š

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My march newsletter and new bird of the month is now out. I thought we needed the wisdom of Crows this time. If you would like to read it, it comes as a link to a free download when you subscribe to studio insights via the link in my profile or using Just a monthly newsletter and this month a 20 page ebooklet pdf download... enjoy!

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I think we all need a little calm this morning, here's Walter he has such a sweet andy gentle nature... he was also inspecting my wall, but in a quiet and constructive way... you often dont see he on film clips usually because he us already by my side ๐Ÿ‘❤๐Ÿ‘

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Sunday, 15 March 2020

And here is part 3...after putting his feet on it to test its integrity he jumped up onto the wall and looked over at the rebuilt part just as if he was judging my dodgy wall building skills...(harshly ๐Ÿ˜‚) he then walked back and forth a few times ate a bit if grass off the top and jumped down to tell Walter what he thought... I do not think I past his stringent assessment ... oh well I will try harder next time! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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This beautiful little wild corner in my veg garden was bathed in sunshine today... it's full of primroses and birds a Robin was singing inches away from me, I never 'manage' this area it does it all by itself... it gives me joy every day.

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This is my second picture of Desmond today, I was repairing a wall. Desmond had to ensure it was up to standard... in my previous image he was looking over at me watching my every this one he has his foot on it...just checking its stable...leaving nothing to chance...he wouldn't like someone to get injured whilst having a scratch on the wall by falling loose stones now would he! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜

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My Desmond of the day... here he is inspecting my workmanship... I will tell you a little more later #lifewithsheep #desmonddiaries

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Saturday, 14 March 2020

I have had a difficult day today... I heard hounds in cry down a valley across the road... it makes me feel sick that I welcome wildlife to my land but just over the wall it is being hunted... as I am sure you are aware it is illegal to hunt wildlife with hounds... this image is from a found media photograph from some years ago of a hunt monitor/Saboteur, at the time I was very interested in the aggressive appearance of these people coupled with their gentleness towards the animals they were protecting. When hunting was legal I had to tolerate it now I dont... it's illegal and needs to be reported...(for info if there had been a 'trail' set the hounds would not have been in cry) #keeptheban #huntsaboteurs

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!!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ–คGIVE AWAY๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ!! in these challenging times let's share some sheep appreciation! I have a number of sheep greetings cards on my website if you would like to win a pack of all of them... this is what you need to do. 1. Go to my website... link in profile too 2. Tag a friend who might like reading about my sheep ๐Ÿ˜Šin a comment on this post 3. Say how many different sheep cards i offer on my website 4. Write the name/title of one of the cards. 5.share this post if possible to share the love of sheep! UK P&P will be free

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Poor Desmond has not learned his lesson and got stuck again...and then had to come in for a full bramble removal session... here he is with Walter and Phil going back to the field free of his shackles ❤๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Š

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Friday, 13 March 2020

Starts this evening g at 5pm ๐Ÿ˜Š an Exhibition to Celebrate 125 years of the National Trust. CCA has collaborated with the National Trust at Trelissick to hold this inspirational show that will be exhibited in Trelissick House. Forty of CCA Members have engaged with this concept to produce some beautiful and unique pieces, covering all disciplines, from stunning lighting, quirky automata, shimmering glass to exquisite silver, textiles and ceramics. A feast for the eyes. The Private View will be held in Trelissick House on Friday 13th March from 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm and opens on Saturday 14th March. All welcome

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This I what I have done with some of the cuttings ... looks unsightly at the moment, just trying the cardboard to suppress weeds as I understand the dont like it much and will mulch over the top probably... I just used a screwdriver to poke a hole about 6inches deep and then pushed the willow into it... watch this space to see if it grows ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ˜

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More Desmond tales today a few days ago I could see Walter close to Desmond like this, looking as if the were deep in conversation. Desmond in his usual attire of brambles, leaves and twigs... as I got closer I realised that there Desmond has become a mobile picnic and that Walter was stood munching on one of his brambles. I have no imagination I could not make this up but fortunately I dont have to ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜

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Monday, 9 March 2020

Tonight is a Full Moon it is the Crow Moon or Crust Moon, Sap Moon, Sugar Moon, Worm Moon, Lenten Moon and a Supermoon! I was blessed with FOUR Ravens flying over this morning calling and chatting at they went... It was the more northern american indian tribes who knew this as the Crow Moon, when the cawing of crows signaled the end of winter. Other names were the Crust Moon, because the snow cover becomes crusted from thawing by day and freezing by night, or the Sap Moon as this is the time for tapping maple trees. The tribes more to the south called this the Worm Moon after the earthworm casts that appear as the ground thaws. Europeans called this the Lenten Moon, as this Moon corresponds with Lent, and the next full Moon, the first full Moon in Spring, occurs just before Easter.

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Starting a few drawings of Desmond and friends... its lovely to get to know them on a completely different level...I feel like I know them really well until I start to draw them... then i realise i dont. There is nothing like drawing to make you really see something. We never spend as much time looking as we do when we draw ๐Ÿ˜Š #lovedrawing #dailydrawing

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I am just getting some work together for another exhibition, this painting has been selected to take part... inspired by my quiet ancient Leicester Longwool cross call Spoonie she is such a sweet girl with the worst feet in the world but always cheerful and happy to see us especially if we have food ❤❤❤

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This is an Exhibition to Celebrate 125 years of the National Trust. CCA has collaborated with the National Trust at Trelissick to hold this inspirational show that will be exhibited in Trelissick House. Forty of CCA Members have engaged with this concept to produce some beautiful and unique pieces, covering all disciplines, from stunning lighting, quirky automata, shimmering glass to exquisite silver, textiles and ceramics. A feast for the eyes. The Private View will be held in Trelissick House on Friday 13th March from 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm and opens on Saturday 14th March. All welcome

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